Hair is such a touchy subject for me- rarely are products targeted towards me. Most people fall into a normal category of haircare but yours truly has fine & thick hair. Rarely is there a product aimed at me because I am all alone in my hair universe sobbing over flat hair that is moisturized or crazy hair that holds a style. Choices are hard.
PR Sample. Affiliate links.Because I chopped off my once very long locks I’m still re-learning my hair basics. How do I deal with hair tickling my neck again? How do I handle hair short enough to get into lipgloss? & finally how do I make my short hair less flat? When my hair was long I just went with it because hey- that’s a lot of hair. I figured if it got weighed down it wasn’t a big deal. Now that it is so much shorter & thicker I’m finding excuses more difficult to come by. The VOLOOM high-end iron adds volume directly into the roots so it literally bumps up your hair. Keep reading to check it out! [Read more…]