Hey lovely blog readers! There are a lot of “About Me” posts out there in the blogosphere & I thought I’d combine this one with a few of my frequently asked questions. First let me cover the basics!
My name is Stephanie Louise Telford & I’m a Vegas-based military wife. We eloped in Las Vegas 11 years ago & fell in love so much we opted to return! My background is in veterinary & medical, but I started blogging nearly 10 years ago while in school & have since jumped in full-time. I work from home with my daughter, Eloise Cressida, who recently turned 1 but is going on 13.
I’m an Aries with an IFNJ personality. Over the years I’ve hosted Macy’s fashion shows in DC, appeared in Mary Kay commercials, & more recently traveled with Verizon for their Military Salutes campaign in San Francisco.
I am the editor of both All Things Beautiful XO & Home in High Heels.
I’ll update my FAQ as things come up frequently but feel free to reach out across my social media with any questions!
Do you wear contacts?- Nope! In fact I tried once & couldn’t get them into my eyeball. My eyes are actually quite blue.
Do you wear fake nails?- If I am I’ll tell you because that is seriously rare.
What is your skin type?- This changes season to season & with hormones but I tend to be dry/combo overall.
Why do you hide your freckles?- I think you just happened to catch a post where I was using fuller coverage. I love & embrace my freckles but sometimes I need concealer- stuff happens y’all. I can’t just randomly have zero freckles on one side of my face, right? No, that’d be weird. Look around for another face post & I’m sure you’ll find them shining through!