If you aren’t ready for the winter season yet- maybe this collection will help! There is something so holiday-esque about these shades but also somehow completely sparkling & rich. This isn’t your normal red & green- these shades are unexpected but somehow completely fitting. I even included a bonus shot of Mom & I when we ended up both wearing shades from the Zoya Enchanted Collection at the same time completely by accident! Keep reading to see the entire collection & my favorites!
Zoya Pixie Dust Nail Polish in Waverly- a fantastically rich sapphire blue with deep blue shimmer in a textured finish.. Seen here in two textured, dry coats without top coat.
Zoya Nail Polish in Saint- a brightened periwinkle metallic base packed with shifty pink shimmer. Seen here in 3 thin coats plus top coat.
Zoya Pixie Dust Nail Polish in Alice- a periwinkle, blurple with blue & pink shimmer in a textured finish. Seen here in two textured, dry coats without top coat.
Zoya Pixie Dust Nail Polish in Elphie- an emerald green shimmer in a textured finish.. Seen here in two textured, dry coats without top coat.
Zoya Nail Polish in Olivera- a surprisingly rich blackened navy/indigo with green & purple metallic shift. Seen here in 2 medium coats plus top coat.
Zoya Pixie Dust Nail Polish in Lorna- a magenta-based berry shimmer in a textured finish. Seen here in two textured, dry coats without top coat.
Here I’m wearing Zoya Saint & mom is wearing Zoya Alice- with two coats of top coat! We both were definitely feeling these purples!
I’m having SUCH a hard time playing favorites here! But when I dive into the nitty-gritty of it…I am pretty obsessed with 3 shades in particular- Olivera, Saint, & Waverly. Both of the non-pixies in this collection just absolutely glow in light & shift! & Waverly? SO RICH! I would be completely happy wearing this all winter because it is so sparkly & completely chic. Don’t get me wrong though, this entire collection is Enchanted!
Each shade in the Enchanted Collection is available from Zoya here & you can usually find them available in your ULTA stores as well!
Tell me- which shades have caught your eye? Are you a fan of the Pixie Dust colors? What colors are you rocking this winter?
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