When I can, I like to set my vanity aside & let you guys know about a wonderful opportunity. This is one of those situations that really puts everything in perspective & that I knew I needed to pass along. I’d like to personally thank Shannon Nelson of ‘A Girls Gotta Spa’ for reaching out & letting me know about this cause that is so close to her personally.
Here is an except from A Girls Gotta Spa explaining the situation:
Every May, we hold our annual Mom: Get Glamorous contest in search of a deserving mother to gift a prize package of beauty products. This year, I decided to do things a little differently. There is a little girl that I know named Ava who has an inoperable brain tumor. Her parents, that I know through my church and lifegroup, are going to the ends of the earth to get whatever treatment they can for Ava to find a cure. As I type this, Ava is in Maryland getting ready to undergo an experimental brain surgery on Wednesday. Ava is only 5 years old…coincidentally, my son Brody turns 5 today. I cannot even imagine going through what Mike and Gianni have gone through with Ava since the time of her stroke at age 3.
Which is why I have decided to hold an auction to help raise money for this family. As you can imagine, all of the travel (and expenses that come with that), the time out of work, medical expenses that are not covered, all add up. I can’t imagine trying to fight for my child’s life all the while wondering how I will make the mortgage payment or how I will pay for gas to get her to her next appointment hours and hours away.
Shannon has not only posted this on her blog & gives you directions on how to get involved, but she has taken this a step further. Currently, she is auctioning off limited edition MAC cosmetics to raise funds. Can you think of a better reason to order MAC cosmetics? I urge everyone to visit her site HERE to learn how to donate, bid, & get involved in this incredible cause.
Donate directly to Ava by going to her website: www.MiracleforAva.info .She also has a fan page: A Miracle for Ava on Facebook.
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions. I personally appreciate you reading this & taking the step further to get involved.
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