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7 Reasons Why I’ll Be Young Forever
If you talk to anyone over the age of 50 they’ll tell you: Don’t put off the good stuff. Be happy now. Take care of yourself NOW. Love right this minute. And most importantly, find a way to make yourself happy day to day. Not every day will be the best day ever but as long as you’re living a generally happy life you’ll be healthier. If I’m happy, laughing, & excited about life…well isn’t that what being young is all about?
1. I have learned to take time to breathe.
I used to not be able to take time for myself, which is just silly. What is 20 minutes compared to the 24 hours in a day? I now make sure I take some me time- especially when I feel like I don’t have the time for it. Honestly, that is when I need it the most! Sometimes it is just flipping through a new magazine or catching up on an awful soap (don’t judge me) but it definitely helps. I also drink a lot of tea & sometimes I make myself stand in front of the machine while it heats up my water & just breathe to gather myself for the day or evening. It helps!
2. I am in love with being in love & loved.
My husband & I have been married for 5 years & I just can’t imagine my life without him. He makes me laugh like nobody else & we really fit. I love the feeling of being in love! On top of that, I’m the proud mommy to a total of four fur babies. Yes. Four. All of them are rescues & if that isn’t love what is? I’m they’re favorite too so that’s a sweet bonus. As if I wasn’t blessed enough in my own home I am also really close with both of my parents. I talk to one or both of them nearly every day & we’re friends. I love this age! Throw in friends & I’m set. Love all around!…in a good way of course.
3. I’ve embraced the flaws.
I’ve always been hard on myself & nit-picky but in the past few years I’ve gotten a lot better about things. I’ve tried to let go of the things I can’t change whether they are medical, spiritual, or just part of this random life. With a husband in the military & being so far away from family & friends, sometimes I feel adrift. Which can be depressing. But I try to remember that nothing bad is long term & we’re just waiting for our next happy place. Life is never going to be long enough for me to worry about that stuff! Sure, my eyebrows definitely aren’t identical & I still can’t whistle but look at all the awesome stuff I can do! Seriously. I’m pretty happy with that stuff.
4. I am constantly dreaming.
Goals & dreams are really important in my life. If I didn’t have something to work towards I think life would be extremely dull. I want to be in a magazine someday, learn to make sugar art, & so many random things across all my many interests. I think the key is to have a lot of little goals on the way to the big dreams, like learning to drive a stick or running a 5k. Pick something you can accomplish today & it will lift your spirits.
5. I find my work quite enjoyable the majority of the time.
If you’ve ever worked a cruddy job you feel me here. My job definitely isn’t for everyone but I get to work with products & write my thoughts for others to read. I never thought I could have a real job I liked this much! Working the stank jobs really helped me figure out what I did like (working for myself, beauty, writing) & what I didn’t (working in food, customer service, sales). I think finding a career is so much easier once you know what you don’t like! I wake up excited to work & take breaks when I’m sick. I can’t complain much! You guys really make my life so much better!
6. I always strive to be a better me.
This kind of goes back to dreams & goals but it really is that important. Making lists, planning vacations, trying new things… keeping life interesting I suppose. Just because I failed at something once doesn’t mean I will again! I can’t tell you how many companies I reached out to (when I was newer to blogging) that turned me down & then came knocking when I had put in more time, effort, & knowledge for them to see. I think it is important to be a well-rounded person as well- hobbies are important! So is some lounge time!
7. I try my best to be positive.
Yeah, this one can be tough. I am an anxiety-ridden person naturally so this is something I’m constantly working on. In order to be happy (& not become a grumpy, old person at age 24) I have to force myself to see the positive things. I do actually say clichés to myself like “When a door closes…” here & there & oddly enough that helps! Remaining positive makes me feel better, stand up straighter, & laugh a whole lot more.
Although you guys know I’m a huge SPF supporter & hoard skincare, the truth is you’re as young as you feel inside. Now don’t expect me to be rooting for wrinkles anytime soon but I’m a firm believer that if you feel good you will also look better too! And this, ladies & gents, is why I’ll be young forever!
- Get Old is an initiative developed by Pfizer to challenge people of all ages to rethink what it means to Get Old and take a more active role in their health and quality of life at every age. Whether it’s through watching what you eat, physical exercise, spending time with family and friends or participating in an activity you’re passionate about — each of us has the power to decide for ourselves how we want to Get Old. It’s not just about living longer, but living better.
- What are you doing to Get Old well? Tells us at GetOld.com and join the conversation on Twitter.com/GetOld and Facebook.com/GetOld.
I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Pfizer and Get Old. I received compensation for this post. All opinions stated are my own.
November 2013 Beauty Lust List + Update featuring Tarte, It Cosmetics, & Blogger Enablers!
Is November seriously over? I know a lot of people complain about time flying but holy smokes I must have conked out for like 2 weeks! I’m a day late because normally I try to post my monthly Beauty Lust List on the last day of the month but…hey I spent the holidays having fun! Anyway this month I don’t have nearly as many things on my wishlist because I’ve been totally spoiled the last few weeks in general. Check out what I’m lusting after, what I got off my list from last month, & which bloggers/vloggers have me yearning for new beauty finds!
From my October 2013 Beauty Lust List which you can see here I only picked up one item, go me! I absolutely caved & had to have the Lorac Pro to Go Palette. I even reviewed it here on the blog– hint…I love this so much! It is very “me” in terms of shades & the packaging is just so far out cool. Really, check out my review!
The Tarte of Giving Collector’s Set & Travel Bag– I’ve wanted this since I first saw it honestly…it comes with a TON of stuff. Makeup Geek (Marlena) actually gives an excellent in depth review which I’ll talk about below. I’ve been wanting a bag juuuuust like this for travel & everything inside looks like items I’d use. Palette, lip, cheek, eye, skincare… this is an amazing set that is available from Sephora for only $59 with a whopping $490 value. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it!
Smashbox Photo Finish More Than Primer Dark Spot Correcting– Um hi, I’ve never heard of this? I was watching a video on youtube (Ingrid aka Missglamorazzi) & apparently she hadn’t either until she saw it in the Sephora store. I have some hyper pigmentation & I love my Smashbox primer so this is definitely on my list!
It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye Anti-Aging Concealer– I’ve heard nothing but good things about this & especially lately my undereyes are so dark. Apparently sleeping isn’t absolutely necessary because I’m functioning with very little. I really need to get my hands on this! I need it in the lightest shade, someone had this in a set but it was in medium. I cried a little.
Cargo Let’s Meet In Paris Eye Shadow Palette– After totally falling in love with this Cargo Vintage Escape palette which I reviewed that was also limited edition I can’t help but want this one too. So pretty, so rich, lovely packaging…what else can I say? I’m lusting after it…but I have so many palettes I’m still try to decide if I need it. Who am I kidding?
Stila Color Outside The Lines Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner Set– So basically this set is available for only $25 from Ulta online & includes 5 Stila Smudge Stick Eyeliners. Normally…one of these eyeliners alone retails for $20. What isn’t to love about this set? You get a pencil in colors that look black, navy, bronze, aubergine, & emerald. I need this in my life…especially on sale!
Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette- I’m thinking I’m one of the few who is still completely undecided on this one. I love the tones in this palette, I don’t have a palette quite like it either. But I’m not sold. Some of the reviews I’ve seen just don’t blog me away pigmentation/texture wise but I do love the packaging & overall look. I reach for my Naked 2 more than my Naked 1… but my Lorac Pro totally blows them both out of the water so I’m still unsure. Thoughts? This is sold out all over so I still have some time to ponder anyway!
The blogs I read & videos I watch that constantly leave me wanting to splurge on beauty.
Slashed Beauty Blog– She gave me an awesome tip about the ELF 50% off everything from the Studio line here on her blog! Fabulous, I got a good chunk of items since I usually buy fromt he Studio line anyway & I’ve been overdue for an ELF haul. She also posts about everything from nails to makeup so definitely check her out!
Bon Vivant Beauty– This isn’t so much of a “hey go buy this!” as a “hey I own this why aren’t I wearing it right now?” type of enable. I’ve had SO many polishes out to swatch & review that I’ve put aside some that came out months ago that I adored for this season- case in point Zoya Chyna which I reviewed here. Look how beautiful her post is, & she even labeled her doggie Lily, how totally adorbs is that?
Liesl Loves Pretty Things– She has me searching EVERYWHERE for the gorgeously textured L’Oreal shade on her nails! Check out her post here, it is absolutely beautiful (as usual on her blog!) & this color & glitter combo speaks to my soul. Must. Find . This. Polish. Don’t blame me, blame her if you happen to be hitting every local drugstore after reading.
The Plastic Diaries– What do mean there is a NEW Tangle Teezer??? Here she has photos & a review of this new (to me at least, i have the original which I love to use in the shower!) on her blog here! Although Kimmi isn’t crazy about the shape I just might give it a go since I drop the other brush constantly!
Makeup Geek Blog/Video– The Tarte of Giving Collection was on my list before, but she totally convinced me I needed it in my life. Check out her review/swatches on her blog, her video review, & her palette smackdown for 2013 which is one of my most looked forward to videos from her every year!
See? Not nearly as many items on the list this month! Perhaps just maybe you have some more for me? If so, leave them below! There is always room on the Beauty Lust List for more things to love & want!
Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balms in Enticing & Flirtatious Lip Swatches & Review
If you caught my review of the beautiful Revlon Colorburst Matte Balms yesterday then you know I’m pretty in love with them. The texture, colors, & overall feel is quite impressive. I also picked up 2 of the Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balms in Enticing & Flirtatious. I love the original Revlon Colorburst Lip Stains which I’ve reviewed & I was excited to see how these would compare! Keep reading to see if these were a hit too!
Like the Revlon Matte Balms, the Lacquer Balm packaging resemble the product inside. In this instance the packaging is super shiny & coordinates with the shade inside. Like the rest they smell like peppermint & they are supposed to be like a lacquer so high-shine. These Lacquer Balms are a bit different than the matte version & the original…but they aren’t my favorite. I didn’t realize until I got them home that they both actually contain shimmer. I probably would have still purchased these even if I had known just to try them but removing the shimmer would definitely be my biggest con. Another con would be I didn’t find them nearly as shiny as I expected. I’ll elaborate more below.
Left to right: One swipe of Enticing, Enticing built up, one swipe of Flirtatious, Flirtatious built up.
Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balm in Enticing- Is kind of a brick based red, that tad or terracotta or orange/brown thrown in there to make it more fall & winter appropriate.
Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balm in Flirtatious- Sparkling fuscha pink. Very pretty color.
You can see these are meant to look shiny & even a bit juicy maybe? I imagine that is what the shimmer is for, more shine. The particles are very small but visible up close. My issue isn’t with shimmer in general…in fact I really like shimmer! It is more with this particular shimmer. As the product fades off, the glitter stays behind. Sitting on my lips. Looking tacky & cheap. & very much so visible. I’m constantly worried that the product has worn down to that horrible glitter leftovers stage which doesn’t make it a pleasant experience. These are extremely comfortable, last for awhile, are easy to apply, & look great once applied. I just have to pay attention to them.
The ending to this story is that these are pretty but just not what I wanted. The colors are lovely but the wear down just isn’t pleasant. They don’t wear as long as the matte balms or feel as comfortable as many other lacquer type products I own. I think some people out there could potentially love this product so if my cons aren’t things that would bother you, have at it!
If you are interested in the Revlon Colorburst Matte Balms or the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains check out my reviews!
Go to Your Local Sephora & Buy the Sephora Favorites Superstars Set!
So obviously this sold out online (well maybe it is back online? Here is the link!) or I wouldn’t be demanding you go to your local Sephora. I highly regret not getting this posted earlier-sorry guys. I’ve seriously had so much going on & have been posting at least once a day because I have so much to share. Anywayyyy so this is the Sephora Favorites Superstars boxed set. I actually wasn’t planning on reviewing this…I took these 2 shots for my own personal reference so I could say where I got the products as I reviewed them. I’m compulsive like that. So do excuse the poor photography but you will likely run to your Sephora once you hear more & forget all about my lackluster photos anyway.
So basically this set has so many products I was either planning to buy or wanting to try it was ridiculous. It is very rare that I demand you buy something but this was a steal. So do keep in mind I’m rather fair & have dry skin. Let me break down what is available in this set:
Deborah Lippmann Nail Polish in Cleopatra in New York– Deborah Lippmann polishes are known for being both beautiful & retailing for a whopping $19 in their glitter form. While there are lots of dupes for her polishes out there, Cleopatra in New York is one I’ve always wanted. This is a full sized polish, awesome! So excited to use this coveted shade!
NARS Lipstick in Dolce Vita– I like NARS lipsticks but I’m not a diehard enthusiast. I think they are a bit overrated but this shade is new to me so I’m excited to add it to my stash. Dolce Vita is described as a sheer dusty rose. Pretty color but it doesn’t quite wow me. This is a FULL SIZE though which retails for $26 all by itself. If you have been wondering about NARS lipsticks or this shade in particular this is a nice addition!
Nars Duo in Orgasm & Laguna– Although I’m not a hardcore Nars Laguna fan (I’m quite fair remember?) I do like this bronzer & really do love the Orgasm blush. This set is 5 grams total– the same size as one of their full-sized blushers. You can actually buy the mini duo (although sold out online currently) for $24 so that is quite a nice value!
Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream in Light– Please do keep in mind that this only comes in Light within this set, sorry ladies of deeper complexions! I was planning to buy this in a full sie after really enjoying a sample. I probably need this in the lightest shade which is Fair but Light seems alright on me as well! For 1 oz you pay $39 which is quite steep. I definitely want to see how long this tube lasts & see if it will be worth the repurchase! But seriously if you buy it during the VIB sale you’ll only pay $11 for everything else in this kit which is wild!
Origins GinZing Eye Cream– I’m kind of an eye cream junkie & I’ve been really wanting to try this one! This is a full size 0.5 oz jar & retails for $30 just by itself. This is supposed to brighten & depuff, two things I desperately need these days!
Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil– I’ve gotten samples of this oil before & actually quite enjoy it! Oils are kind of a craze right now but my dry skin really does love them usually. This one doesn’t break me out at all & can also be used on everything from your body to your hair & even your cuticles. You can actually buy the oil in this 0.5 fl oz size for $14. I like the dropper & the glass bottle!
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Duo in Sin/Mushroom– This is one of my favorite items in the set since Sin is one of my favorite shades period & I also really enjoy Mushroom. This is actually a full sized eyeshadow just split into two shades & the full sized eyeshadows on their own retail for $18 each. I actually considered buying Sin for travel so I’m really happy with this duo! I actually wish Urban Decay sold shadows this way since it would take me forever to use up a single & I’d rather have two shades than just one.
Too Faced Better Than False Lashes Nylon Lash Extension System– This is one of those products I would have never bought myself, period. I don’t see this working out for me which I normally don’t say but I do have some reasons. Basically one tube has the extensions & the other has the mascara. You use the mascara then the fibers then the mascara. Cross contamination galore & I’ve heard the mascara ends up absolutely disgusting since you put the fibers in it & it gets all clumpy. Obviously I’m going to give it a shot because I own it now but I think I’ll save it for a special occasion or something since it retails for $35 & I do like extension type mascaras here & there.
Anastasia Beverly Hills Clear Brow Gel– This is my absolute favorite clear brow gel but a full size is 0.28 fl oz for a whopping $22. This is a deluxe sample & is 0.085 fl oz which is a pretty okay size, especially for travel. I never buy the full sizes because my brows aren’t wily enough for it to be worth but I highly recommend it! I wait for sets like this or palettes to get my fix & use cheaper brands in-between.
Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner in Intense Black– When I first got this pencil I had my doubts. I have it in dark brown which I absolutely adore but this one didn’t seem as pigmented at all! I think it was from sitting sideways in the box because after putting it point down in my eyeliner cup this had really nice pigmentation & it actually quite black! Plus these really are waterproof! This is a full sized pencil & retails for $20 on the Sephora website. I really love this pencil & you can easily create a thick or thin line!
Bumble & Bumble Surf Spray– I’ve heard a lot of good things about this spray but it is pretty pricey so I haven’t shelled out the cash for it yet. Now I get to try it for myself! I have tons of long, thick hair so pricey products like this really need to work if I’m going to throw down the cash. This is a 1.7 oz sample which you can actually purchase on the Sephora website for $15. The big 4 oz size is $25. I haven’t tried this yet, I think I might save it for spring/summer.
Flowerbomb by Viktor Rolfe Rollerball– I was planning to pick this up to travel with over the holidays as I have become rather obsessed & this is a full size which retails for $29 on its own! Right? Insanity. This is one out of two (the other being Dior Miss Dior perfume) that I can wear as a signature-type scent. Flowerbomb might even be more special to me because it applies to both day & night. I just adore it so much!
As this isn’t available online (at least not at this time) I highly recommend calling your local Sephora store to see if they are in stock then requesting a hold. Right now this set is 20% off (Sephora VIB sale in stores & online using the code VIBTOPIA) so the original $75 I paid (which was already a deal) is only $60! Ridiculous guys, seriously. With a $280 value this is downright looney. You’re getting high quality products here too from a bunch of prestige brands that would cost a whole lot separately. Plus, with multiple full sizes, you really get your money back repeatedly.
What do you think of this set? Have you picked up any of these products? What do you think of the overall deal?
Beauty that is Work Appropriate from Kate & Almay
October 2013 Beauty Lust List + Update featuring Lorac, Sephora, & Blogger Enablers!
Can you believe another month is over? If you saw my September Beauty Lust List then you might want a bit of an update! October 5th was my 5 year wedding anniversary & my sweet husband bought me both the Dior Miss Eau de Parfum & the Lancome gloss I wanted! What a good man he is! I did go & get a new sample of the Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24HR to try out because my skin is more dry already. I bought the Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Nail Lacquer in Fluorescent Beige with my VIB Sephora sale & I am so excited to get that on my nails! I also picked up both the Tarte Pure Delights 8-Piece LipSurgence Lip Set & the Lorac Dazzling Dozen Eye Shadow Collection because I knew I’d get a ton of use at of both sets. The LipSurgence pencils are some of my favorite lip proucts, period. The Lorac eyeshadows are also easily favorites & there is a dupe for the Lorac Pro Palette Taupe that I absolutely couldn’t pass up in a full sized bargain set. Whew! Wow I scored a lot this month! But I will chalk that up mostly to the Sephora sale & my anniversary…it was just a really great month! Now onto the new wants!
Smashbox Full Exposure Palette– I seriously haven’t heard/seen anything about this palette…I found it crusiing the Sephora site when I was looking up items I was interested in for the sale. I love Smashbox eyeshadows & this looks totally up my alley. Even a bit Lorac Pro Palette -esque right, with shimmers on top & mattes on the bottom? I’m now a sucker for palettes set up this way so I’m really excited to see some reviews! Does it look a bit like many of the neutral palettes out there? Perhaps, that’s why I haven’t pulled the trigger!
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar All-Star Mini x 12 Set– I have gathered up quite a few OCC lip tars over the past few years & I honestly love them. My only issue is that with as many lippies as I own & with how small a dot of product you need I can’t see myself getting through a tube this decade. Then in stepped this mini set! I do have a few from this set in full sizes but I think it is worth it just for the few I’ve been planning to pick up in full sizes ($18 a piece) mainly the shades Electric Grandma, Yaoi, & Lovecraft which are all on my list at the moment!
Sephora Formula X Nail Polish in Voltage– With the introduction of the full collection I was definitely intrigued. This is a huge step for Sephora both Nail Polish & branding wise in my opinion. But there is so much to choose from it is nearly overwhelming! After visiting these shades in store I fell for Voltage which is part of the Superwatts collection. Could this be my new go-to holiday shade? Man it is fabulous! I have one polish from the sneak peek/preview release (check out my review of Sephora X polish in Chaotic here!)& they have since fixed my lid concern & the colors…well I have some serious needs.
Tarte Amazonian Butter Lipstick in Watermelon– I’m a sucker for all of these “butter” formulas popping up, comfortable lip products? Psh you bet. I haven’t personally seen this particular shade in person yet but Watermelon is supposed to be a reddish pink. The shades come in different color variations on the packaging as well, how cute it that? I love me some Tarte so I have high hopes!
Caudalie Favorites Set– The Caudalie Divine Oil is fast becoming one of my favorite oil of all time so I’m definitely wanting to try more from them. With a backup of my deluxe sample of the Divine Oil & various other products I’ve seen great reviews on, this will be a hard one to pass up! I’ll be reviewing the Divine Oil soon by the way, so stay tuned for that!
Lorac PRO to Go Eye/Cheek Palette– I’ve been on the fence about this one for awhile but I think I’mm be pulling the trigger soon. I love Lorac products & the packaging on this looks perfect for my lifestyle & travel. I absolutely love the shades & the bigger sizes & those blushes & a MATTE bronzer totally round out my decision to I WANT.
Sephora Formula X Nail Polish in Ur Square– This was the first polish I fell for in person, above all the others with much more eye-grabbing glitters & poppin shades. Ur Square is from the Luster collection & is the most gorgeous rose fine glitter. I feel like this would be the perfect wedding or work appropriate shade, even more stunning in person.
Laura Mercier Artist’s Palette for Eyes– I didn’t pick up the Artist’s palette last year which is probably a good thing since I definitely prefer the layout on this one more. With the shades going from light to dark & varying finishes I’m oh so tempted. I haven’t felt the packaging for myself to know if I’d like that feel or not but the shades are very much reminiscent of my collection loves!
Conair Infiniti Pro Curl Secret– Yes, I am buying into the hype because I am just SO curious to try this for myself. I have loads of curling irons but something with a timer that spins my hair is apparently quite fascinating for me. I have watched lots of videos & read quite a few posts but I’m still hesitant to pick it up in case it takes too long with my long, thick hair.
The blogs I read & videos I watch that constantly leave me wanting to splurge on beauty.
Phyrra– E.L.F. Studio Makeup Mist & Set
Phyrra is constantly introducing me to brands I love but have never heard of along with mainstream brands I already adore. This month Phyrra wrote an awesome post on The Best Ways to Use ELF Studio Makeup Mist & Set. I bought this product ages ago but the sprayer was too dense & globby. Her idea of putting it another bottle (duh! Why didn’t I think of that?) & using it like MAC Fix Plus to foil eyeshadows. Again, she’s brilliant & she has loads of other ways to use this product that you have to check out in her post here.
Beauty Broadcast– Sonia Kashuk Shine Luxe Sheer Lip Colours
Although Emily of Beauty Broadcast has been raving about these for well over a month her post recently definitely hammered in that nail. Why yes, yes I do need to own several of these! I’m always wary of pulling the trigger on lip products that I’m not positive I’ll adore because I have so many but her constant raves & beautiful lip swatches have me convinced at least one needs to come home with me next time I’m in Target.
Imperfectly Painted– Maya Cosmetics Nail Polish in Glitter is the New Black
Stephanie of Imprefectly Painted brings together nail polish, a spunky attitude, & honest reviews so I always look forward to seeing a new post from her in my queue. At the very end of September she posted swatches of the new Maya Cosmetics Fall swatches & Glitter is the New Black stole my heart. How gorgeous is is luxe, glittering black shade?
Tati aka GlamLifeGuru– Sephora Super Stars Collection
Tati reviewed this set on her youtube channel GlamLifeGuru & I knew I had to have it. The Smashbox BB Cream I’ve been wanting is included in a full size & in my shade? Oh I’m so there. Her video is really informative & she’s always so nice to watch in general with an upbeat attitude while still being somewhat professional. She sold me!
Wowie! So there you go, I hope you got some ideas & maybe you have some for me? If so, leave them below! There is always room on the Beauty Lust List for more things to love & want!
My Basil Tomato Cornbread Recipe + Other Campbell’s Family Recipes!
If you love to eat healthy but your family doesn’t always comply you have to get a bit more creative. I grew up eating lots of different types of fruits & veggies…hubby not so much! I’ve pretty much hidden them in our food since day one for added nutrition. I love having recipes on hand that I call “Pantry Recipes” where I can whip the ingredients straight from my stocked pantry. That’s where this recipe was born! Along with The Wisest Kid in the Whole World™, Campbell’s soup has compiled tons of tasty recipes that kids will love!: http://goo.gl/mT93RO
As long as you have a stocked pantry of Campbell’s soups you have an excellent base for so many recipes. Plus, if you have kids then you know what it is like to have to come up with something FAST! Sometimes this basil tomato cornbread recipe & a nice cup of soup are the perfect, comforting meal! Tomato soup is perfect for kids because you can put on any kind of kid-friendly toppings & find lots of fun dunkable treats to go with it!
Basil Tomato Cornbread Recipe
1 cup white flour
1 cup coarse corn meal
1 can of condensed Campbell’s Tomato Soup
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup corn kernels
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 tablespoons butter, softened
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons dried basil
cooking spray
Optional- sun-dried tomatoes for garnish
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Spray 9 inch baking pan with cooking spray. I personally use a longer pan for smaller/thinner bars with a divider so all of mine are the same size. You can also use a cast iron skillet.
3. Mix dry ingredients well then add milk, egg, & chop in butter. Add can of Campbell’s condensed soup. No need to add water, sugar or salt since it is all in this handy can! Combine all ingredients but do not over mix.
4. Pour batter into pan & place in over for about 15 minutes. Check bread with toothpick. Preferably serve warm or freeze for later use.
For the sun-dried tomato decoration, top each section before backing with a piece. It won’t affect the cooking process!
Some other options to add in are cheese, peppercorns, Tabasco, honey to sweeten, & just about anything else that appeals to you or your kids! Tasty & easy! Remember to check out more recipes from The Wisest Kid in the Whole World™ & Campbell’s!
September 2013 Beauty Lust List featuring Dior, Makeup Geek, & More!
Do you ever gt a severe case of the “I Wants”? I’ll assume yes because, well, you’re here! I’ve made quite a few purchases this month & still have a list around a mile long! I thought I’d show you some of the products I’ve been lusting after…feel free to tell me your thoughts if you own them or enable me with more options in the comments!Let’s get this party started shall we?
Dior Miss Eau de Parfum
I had to put this at the top of my list because I’ve been lusting after it for YEARS! I’ve seriously gone through at least 10 testers! I have it on pretty good authority (upon penalty of severe disappointment) that I’ll be getting this for my anniversary next month! Finally! This is the first scent I could see as my signature. I am honestly not fond of it upon first spray but when it settles into my skin it smells incredible!
Smashbox Liquid Halo Foundation
I’m trying to decide on a new foundation for fall but I’m left undecided. I usually go for drugstore but I’m not finding my current ones to be moisturizing enough. I figured it was time to invest in a more expensive (& hopefully higher quality!) option! I have pretty dry skin but I like some coverage. I also need something that wears for a long time. I like that this has SPF, isn’t matte, & is supposed to look natural. Has anyone tried it?
Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24HR
My other main contender is this foundation from Lancome. This is supposed to last a really long time (although I never wear my makeup for over 24 hours I guess that’s nice?) & not need touch ups. This is pricey but if it isn’t drying on my skin it will be worth it. I have a hard time finding something long wearing that doesn’t make me look like a dried out mummy up close.
Benefit Boxed Blush in Dallas
With all the hype about their newest shade are you surprised to see Dallas on my list? I have a confession: I don’t own ANY Benefit boxed blushes, not one! Everyone is usually shocked but I got into the Tarte Amazonian Clay blushes so I had my focus elsewhere. But Dallas has my attention. I’ve had this on my list since last fall because I think it would be the perfect addition to my oh so loved neutral blush in Exposed from the Tarte Amazonian line. This shade has a touch more mauve/plum so I think I’d wear it a lot in the colder months.
Marc Jacobs Enamored Hi-Shine Nail Lacquer in Fluorescent Beige
When the luxe Marc Jacobs line hit Sephora online I wasn’t all that impressed. Pretty yes but not stunning. When I went into the store, however, I fell for this polish specifically. It looks so pretty & ethereal & honestly the whole collection looks SO much better in person. I don’t shell out $18 for a nail polish often…but I just might have to snap this one up after hearing raves about the formula as well.
Marc Jacobs Style Eye-Con Palette in The Starlet
Another Marc Jacobs item? Well, duh, because I need more eyeshadow. Because this is the internet I’ll just tell you straight out that was in a severe sarcastic tone. But this palette spoke to me…the price did not. I’m loving it thought so who knows… I love the neutrals but when I swatched in the store the copper shade screamed my name.
Lancome Gloss in Love in the shade Blink Pink
Normally I’m a pretty standard drugstore gloss girl. I have a lot & I like the variety without putting me into a spiraling black hole of lippie debt. But Lancome totally made something special here. I swatched this in the store, loved the color so much. Then I walked around. Because it is a gel it leveled out on my skin & looked EVEN BETTER. It was ridiculous. I need this & hope to buy it soon!
Tarte Pure Delights 8-Piece LipSurgence Lip Set
Omigarsh! It is that time of year (you know, before October) that they start rolling out holiday sets & this one got me right in the heart. I love the formula on these pencils SO much & the idea of having even more that are more travel friendly has me sold. Plus, the variety in the set looks nice with some of the regular formula & some mattes. All shades look fabulously wearable as well.
Pink Sith- NYX Mosaic Powder Blush
Sorry about the bad picture quality ya’ll. But seriously, I never expected this. Usually I stalk Pink Sith for high-end products to drool over so when she posted about her Top 10 Under $10 & I saw a blush I figured she knew what she was talking about. She knows her blushes. I’ll have to pick this up sometime in the future!
Beauty Broadcast- Lorac Dazzling Dozen Eye Shadow Collection
Emily is constantly making me buy things through youtube or her blog. Seriously. She did a set of quick swatches on this set from ULTA & yeah, I need it. When she pointed out that the shade Smokin’ is a dupe for the Taupe shade in the Lorac Pro Palette I knew I was suckered in. I say that like it is such a terrible thing right? But honestly… $35 for 12 Lorac full sized singles is a steal.
Vampy Varnish- Sigma Creme De Couture Palette
I wasn’t sure how I felt about this palette after watching some video reviews so I hit the web where I feel you can just get a better feel for most products. I love swatches & video swatches don’t always look all that great. When the fabulous Vampy Varnish reviewed this so honestly & swatched them so beautifully she swayed me to the “want” side of the spectrum. All of these shades are matte pastels mostly & just so pretty.
Blushing Noir- Smashbox Fade to Black Photo Op Eye Shadow Palette
I am a big Smashbox fan & Brooke from Blushing Noir sang me a sweet, sweet tune about this lovely palette. Personally I think I prefer this palette above to the Fade In but she convinced me the quality was definitely worthwhile. I might even check out both. & her eyeshadow look? Gorgeous.
Cosmetics Aficionado- Makeup Geek Liquid Gold Pigment
I’ve seen so many wonderful reviews on the Makeup Geek pigments but when Cosmetics Aficionado showed this awesome dupe for the Make Up For Ever Metal Powder #4 I was blown away! I’ve actually had my eye on that shade & to see her swatches where the Makeup Geek just looks SO much easier to work with I was sold. & can I really buy just one pigment? Let’s not be silly, I’m sure I’ll be hoarding quite a few in the nearish future.
Whew! So there you have it, my very long list of beauty lusts! Lots of things here I’m planning to pick up but I would absolutely love any recommendations or other products you think I might enjoy! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Halloween 2013 Fantasy Makers by Wet n Wild Sets Swatches & Review
I love Halloween. Halloween, Halloween…Halloween! I stopped in K-Mart a bit ago to snap up some of the Fantasy Makers Halloween sets (from the creators of Wet n Wild for reference!) because I honestly just can’t help myself. Each set contains an eyeshadow duo, mini nail polish, mini lipstick, & a set of dramatic lashes. Keep reading to see what I thought of each set!
I bought 3 of the options available: Vampiress, Wicked Queen, & Pixie Princess. Each has kind of a model representation in the upper right hand corner for the look which I blew up for you here. I thought it was a bit odd that none of them were wearing the false lashes though?Swatches & reviews further down but first a run down of each of the sets I bought.
Fantasy Makers by Wet n Wild Wicked Look Cosmetic Kit in Vampiress: This set comes with a deeper brick red lipstick, eyeshadow duo with a shimmering red toned cranberry & brown with bronze shimmer, metallic looking red nail polish & dramatic lashes with some red detailing. This is my favorite eyeshadow duo & I like that the combo isn’t something I’d necessarily put together for a vamp look.
Fantasy Makers by Wet n Wild Wicked Look Cosmetic Kit in Wicked Queen: This look says less Wicked Queen & more Ice Princess to me but whatever. The nail polish is a silver holo which is fun, a vampy, dark purple lipstick, a silvery grey & blue eyeshadow duo, & lashes with diamond accents. The grey in this is actually quite nice but the blue is meh.
Fantasy Makers by Wet n Wild Wicked Look Cosmetic Kit in Pixie Princess: This is your pink & pumpkin patch set. Orange & green eyeshadow duo, pink nail polish, pink lipstick, & some awesome flared silver holo lashes. Neither of the shades in the duo show up as pigmented but the green has a pretty sheen. The pink is super wearable & these lashes are by far my favorite…they’re pretty out there!
The Eyeshadow Duos: Most of these shades aren’t quite up to the Wet n Wild trio/8 pan standards but I do really like the red, brown & grey shades. The other shades are more sheer, a bit harder to pick up, & are noticeably different in quality.
The False Eyelashes: Aren’t these lashes fun this year? Obviously the Pixie Princess lashes are my favorite…so fairy queenish! Ultra dramatic as well! The diamond ones just aren’t my favorite kind, I dig some outer flair. I might cut them in half & put them on my outer lashline. The red ones are fun & appear to be a bit tinsel-y!
The Lipsticks: All three of the lipsticks are Wet n Wild quality & I might possibly have dupes from the permanent line? I totally dig all 3 though & always enjoy the Wet n Wild lipstick formula. They’re all completely different as well so no repeats between these 3 sets!
The Nail Polishes: I kind of wish they had included more Halloween-ish shades but these colors are like the Wet n Wild Mega Shine line. The pink is actually much brighter, much have neon pigment because it photographed super wonky. Love this glitter though, perfect for travel.
All in all, some hits & misses here. I like the Vampiress set the best, the lashes are original, lipstick fall appropriate, eyeshadows nice quality, & the nail polish fits in. Love the Pixie Princess lashes (for the millionth time!) & the lipstick is wearable. The Wicked Queen set has a nice grey, lovely polish, & a nice vampy lipcolor. I’m pretty happy!
What do you guys think, will you be picking up any of these sets? Anything catch your eye? Have you tried any of the other options?
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