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Hey guys! I loved taking a short break for the holidays, it was fabulously needed! I thought I’d show you the eye look that I wore today using Glamour Doll Eyes pigments & share a bit about our holiday!
It was a busy holiday for us but also a heck of a lot less busy than usual! This year we stayed here on base in Nebraska instead of traveling to see family. It was definitely less stressful! We definitely spoiled each other (say hello to Ryan’s new Xbox…) which was also nice! Some of the beauty related items he got me are the Cargo Paris Palette, Marc Jacobs Honey Perfume, & my first ever boxed blush from Benefit in Rockateur which I just hadn’t been able to justify on my own. Definitely items I wanted! Let me know if you want to see reviews on any of those!
For Christmas we had two single military guys over who couldn’t go home to their famalies. Basically they heeded to be fed! I made Jack Daniels Honey chicken, sweet beans, spicy beans, corn, & jalapeno cornbread. Yum! Everything was nearly demolished. Our trees (yes, there were two!) might be fake but they were gorgeous & I’ll be sad to take them down. I love having our house looking so glittery & colorful…shocker right? Ryan was able to have a few week days off so we got a lot of shopping done including some Peppermint Brownies from Trader Joe’s which are SO good!
Right now I’m working on my end of year favorites- you can see my 2012 videos here! This year I think I’ll add some posts as well since the videos can be irritating to link repeatedly & shorten & such. Hopefully you’ll enjoy them! For my eye look today I have Flawless as a base, 5 Candles in the crease a bit, & Downtown mixed with GDE Foil Me as a liner. You can view Glamour Doll Eyes products here!
I hope everyone had very happy holidays (whatever you celebrate!) & safe as well! I’d love to hear your Christmas list haul or what you’re looking forward to in 2014! What were some of your cosmetic favorites this year?
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