AH I HAVE MISSED YOU GUYS! We drove out to Texas for our holiday vacation & apparently…my computer did not like it there. It was honestly one thing after another. But, I’m not going to get into that too much because all it does is make me mad. So on that note, here is my Bath & Body Works haul!
What I got:
2 Packages of 5 Mentha Lip Shines from CO Bigelow
Coconut Mango Fragrance Mist 8 oz.
Vanilla Bean Noel Fragrance Mist 3 oz
Winter Candy Apple Fragrance Mist 3 oz
& 18 Pocket Bac Anti-Bacterial Hand Gels!
Mentha Lip Shines from CO Bigelow- 5 Classic Minis
Flavors are Cinnamint, Mentha, Ultra, Spearmint, & my favorite, Vanillamint.
Although these are minis, they’re still .25oz, which is an awesome amount. Sometimes the regular sizes feel too big in a smaller handbag.
Mentha Minis- Originial Price was $15.00, on sale for $3.75. Doesn’t get much better than that!
Bath & Body Works Fragrance Mists
I love the holiday scents, these 2 being my favorites over the past few years. Coconut Mango was an unexpected purchase, but I love it. I really love wearing tropical scents through summer, but I always smell them all through the year. Great deal too!
Coconut Mango Fragrance Mist (full size)- Originally $12.00, on sale for $3.00.
Holiday Mini Fragrance Mists- Originally $5.00, on sale for $2.50.
Pocket Bac Anti-Bacterial Hand Gels
So let me explain, no really give me a chance! I’m not some psycho, although I am a bit germ obsessive, but my jobs eat this stuff up. I beauty blog (duh), teach preschool, & dog sit. I keep this stuff on me at all times, usually multiple bottles. So I am not insane, just…clean. Plus, I am a sucker for all of these scents.
Fresh Picked Strawberries- My favorite from this summer! There was only 1 left, but honestly, I already stockpiled this a bit. I am such a sucker for this scent though.
Winter Candy Apple- Sweet apple, but it isn’t super sugary.
Eat Ham- Smells like canned cranberry sauce. I adore cranberries in all forms, but my husband sits & eats entire cans of it. Clearly a popular scent in my house.
Vanilla Bean Noel- Good ol natural vanilla. Clean & comforting.
Winter Cranberry- More of a cranberry fragrance than Eat Ham, but still intensely cranberry.
These are originally $1.50 but I normally get them on sale for $1.00. These were all 50 cents a piece.
Total cost for everything? $26.78. Love!
Did you guys get a chance to pick anything up? Would love to hear about it!
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