The story behind the polish on LEX:
First, tulips are one of the first signs that spring is really, truly, finally here! Second, they always remind me of my mother….. I would love to have a color that can represent her in every way: in beauty, in color, in her favorite things, and in her uniqueness. My color would be light pinkish-red with glass-like flecks of silver, red, pink, and orange within it to showcase the depth of both tulips and my mother.
$1 will be donated to lung cancer research.
What’s something I absolutely love about LEX Cosmetics?: LEX polishes sell for only $10 & each goes towards a donation to a different charity/organization! You’re telling me I can hoard more polish & support a cause….at the same time? IN!
Because I had seen this only swatched on naked nails (check out Blushing Noir’s Gorgeous swatches!) I put my swatches over a one coat white. I also have base coat on but no top coat. My nails are a messy, trust me, the white base is my gift to you. I like the effect a lot though & added a bit more to my tips for a scaled effect. This is 2 coats of Tuilleries.
Tuilleries: A very fair pink creamy jelly base with medium hex glitters in fuchsia, orange, red, & silver. This is accompanied by x-small glitters in the same shades.
The glitter in this is phenomenal, it placed itself perfectly across my nail. I didn’t have to coax it at all! If you like layered looks, this one is perfect for you. This pink is so soft that I personally wouldn’t wear it on my bare nails because I prefer opacity. but I might try it on my toes for a blingy but soft look.
These polishes are bad 3 free, come in a lovely range of shades, & each has a beautiful tale to tell…but on your nails! Got to the LEX Cosmetics site HERE & check out all their other shades…or better yet…create your own! Too cool!
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