and impressing nail artists and nail admirers alike. Jan showed me some of her favorite designs from within her Fall-Winter 2011 guide and gushed about the wonderful IFabbo event she was so proud to be a part of. She explained to me how important it was to her to support salons everywhere for their creativity and technique. I usually paint my nails myself (you guys know I play nail polish musical chairs!) but this really struck a chord with me. I think it truly shows her passion and work ethic within the beauty community.
After the top coat dries in the light, yoou can immediately touch it. Zero drying time, no sitting around unable to answer your phone, no worrying about smudging. I eagerly ran my fingertips over the shiny polish and was in love with the smooth, thin polish feel. Basically, the feel of acrylics without all the bulk/weight. I would have been in love with the color on its own, but the additions definitely took it to a whole new level. Is it for a wedding? No probably not. But to see how much you can do with this polish that I hadn’t thought possible was incredible. She was so glad I was adventurous as I was her last manicure, and I was absolutely honored to wear her beautiful work. I couldn’t be more thrilled.
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