Do you have dry skin? Maybe even eczema? Are you looking for something with little to no scent? Well then this review is definitely for you! Udderly SMOOth (ha that name lawl) products were originally designed for dairy cows but were so fabulous humans stole them for personal use. Okay…maybe that is extreme but really humans can’t let anyone have anything to themselves huh? All of the products I’m showing you today kill dry skin & totally saved me over the past few weeks. Keep reading to find out why you need these in your life!
Udderly Smooth Udder Cream– This is an ultra thick cream with barely any scent. I use this on my elbows & any spots that are ultra dry or have eczema. This cream doesn’t irritate the skin at all & actually soaks into the skin instead of sitting on top like some balms do. The bottle size is somewhere between a hand cream & body lotion size so I can throw it in my bag & will definitely be needing it for the cold, dry months ahead. Also…weird note…I’ve been nauseous & semi-sick recently (not pregnant, promise) & anything scented really made my head hurt. This was perfect!
Udderly Smooth Body Cream– This is similar to the Udder Cream above but a bit thinner & in the tub format. I like this type of packaging for right after the shower when my hands are wet & I don’t need tubes flying out of my hands & all over the bathroom. This doesn’t leave me greasy & I actually don’t have to use as much product as some of my others to get better moisturization. This also has a really light & neutral scent so it doesn’t clash with perfumes & such.
Udderly Smooth Shea Butter Foot Cream– So rich & thick! This cream is an amazing overnight treatment with some fuzzy socks! I’ve been trying to repair some of the summer sandal damage so this was a savior. The scent is neutral so if your spouse happens to need some too…no problemo! If you happen to have a significant other like mine you might have to wait until they are dead asleep but this product definitely works while being a very neutral scent.
You can purchase Udderly Smooth products from Walgreens,, & the Udderly Smooth website. Everything is really reasonably priced so these are a bargain. Who knew cows had such great taste?
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