These two shades? Just stop. Whatever you’re doing- just stop. Find a way to get to Polish Con in NYC or find someone to pick them up for you. Because they’re beautiful & incredible & unlike anything else I own. Stay tuned to see KBShimmer We Make Your Dreams Come Blue & Grand Prospect Holo in all their glory! [Read more…]
KBShimmer Men are from Mars-ala Swatches & Review
Want a stunning marsala shade to rock in 2015? Being that it is the color of the year, you’re going to be seeing this shade a lot. You may think to yourself you’ll have lots of options. Many opportunities to buy a marsala shade this year. I’m here to tell you that I can’t imagine another shade coming anywhere near the gorgeous-ness that is KBShimmer Men are from Mars-ala- keep reading to check it out! [Read more…]