So I’ve been trying out Batiste Dry Shampoo (3 different varieties) for awhile now & it is finally time to tell you guys what I think! I spotted them at my local Walgreens (which means they’re likely everywhere else since my Walgreens is always the absolute last to know) so you can pick them up locally. I’ve also spotted them at ULTA. I know there are some other varieties & I definitely want to try them out to but for now I get to show you the Batiste Original, Blush, & Tropical varieties.
How I Use It:
I have pretty normal hair with ends that are a bit on the dry side. My hair looks so much better on day 2-3 & also holds a style tons better. My hair is very thick but it is also very fine. I use the dry shampoo by shaking the can a bit, aim for my roots, & spritz where needed. I then take clean hands & fluff up my hair a bit to work it into my roots. Pretty much automatically my hair gets nice & big. Sexy volume hair. No more residue of any kind. Sometimes I use it in the afternoon to re-volume up my hair for the evening. Works like a charm.
Batiste Original- This has that clean original scent that is perfect to start with if you aren’t big on scents in general. It smells clean but also very light & fades nicely. I love the striped can too, looks so classic.
Batiste Tropical- My personal favorite, this smells like drinking coconut drinks on a sandy beach. It smells divine to me & I reach for it the most. This can is bright & cheery, like a vacation in a can should be.
Batiste Blush- I like this one a lot for daytime use because it is a flirty floral. It isn’t too heavy though so don’t think old lady perfume, it has a nice feminine balance.
I am now officially dying to try a few of the other scents I haven’t had the opportunity to try yet! Wild, Cherry, & Lace are especially intriguing…I really want them! Because Batiste originated in the UK I’m not sure how hard it will be to get my hands on them but I’m up to the challenge!
Have you tried Batiste Dry Shampoo? Do you like dry shampoos? What kind of scent do you looks for?
**Products provided in consideration of review. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links have been used.
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